Post by Lenthir on Jul 15, 2008 13:37:41 GMT -1
I know DJ lil and henk wanna go get some club or dagger or is it a BIG MAC they need from there??? pizza?? cant remebmer.. hehehe
sign up here we go at 1900 meet up at west bree
Former Clan member
[M0:75]Demonjay's Biatch
Posts: 552
Post by Lilandrael on Jul 15, 2008 13:56:33 GMT -1
Mmmmm big mac....mmmmm shatter bone! i'm up for it.
Former Clan member
Posts: 30
Post by faeye on Jul 15, 2008 14:12:37 GMT -1
If you need another minstrel i'll join.
Post by Demonjay on Jul 15, 2008 14:44:02 GMT -1
hmmmm bigmac you made me hungry now ...ooo your evil now i need to go out an get one!!
but im game!!
Post by PhantomStorm on Jul 17, 2008 19:33:29 GMT -1
ill join for uru =)
Post by Lenthir on Jul 18, 2008 18:03:39 GMT -1
well ill cancel the kin run cuz no one will show/signup/come anyway... so why bother!!
have a nice day...
Post by Demonjay on Jul 18, 2008 19:58:43 GMT -1
well ill cancel the kin run cuz no one will show/signup/come anyway... so why bother!! have a nice day... wel my comp broke today.. i was helping my sis fixing her comp and when i reconnected mine back i think the fuse box short circuited ... so it fried my mother board... but whats your prob man !? il cancel it because no one wil show/sign/come anyway ? if you have a bad day pls dont spoil the fun for others and if they dont come why sweat it?! you cant force people to come simple go there on time , do a extra shout out in kin chat as a reminder you cant just cancel a event ...people may be later or RL things came in the way ? they not there then no events Just to clarify EVENT IS STILL UP!! JOIN IF YOU WANT TO COMEyou have a prob lenthir ? i think there is some thing dont wanna do events anymore? then dont do them but pls keep your cool m8 dont cancel events or make depressing post man come to staff board if you want to blow of some steam send me a pm what you want dont spoil peoples fun and give them a chance to come and sign up il say it again if they dont them to bad for them no fun event to do then for them and m8 YOU have a nice day also